CCJP-DOC in GBV awareness drive

CCJP-DOC in GBV awareness drive

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) of the Social Servicess Directorate in its quest to fight Gender-Based Violence (GBV) cases within the Shire Valley Transformation Program (SVTP 1), elected 7 Billboards on 25th September, 2023 in some hot spot as one way of raising awareness to the communities around the canal construction areas.

As a dedicated GBV service provider, CCJP’s primary objective is to offer support and services to those impacted by GBV within the construction community “We recognize the vulnerabilities that can emerge in such environments and these billboards will provide vital information to the public to prevent GBV cases and also report to right duty bearers when such cases arise’’ SAID Fr Mathews Semba the Team Leader for SVTP GBV Service Consultant.

The signages installation is strategically positioned in seven key areas namely Dzimbiri Community Primary School, Bwalo Community Ground, West Bank Secondary School, GVH Supuni, Tomali trading center, Maseya trading center and Chikwawa District Hospital. These locations were selected to ensure maximum exposure and engagement within the community.  

Diocese of Chikwawa through the Social Services Directorate receives funding from the World Bank and the Government of Malawi under the Shire Valley Gender Based Violence Project to sensitize communities along the Shire Valley Water project on issues of gender based violence with an aim of making sure there is equality among men and women but also to eliminate all traces of GVB.