CCJP bemoans Malawi’s social economic misery

CCJP bemoans Malawi’s social economic misery

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi has voiced its concern for Malawians as they go through hard social and economic times. The sentiments have been made public in a statement the national office for the CCJP has made and released on 4th October 2023.

In its observation, the CCJP begins by underlining the role that good stewardship plays in protecting citizens from different ills experienced in their societies. “Good stewardship in governing democratic societies entails the duty and obligation to care and protect citizens in times of crisis and need. Malawi is currently going through a socioeconomic crisis; the signs are clear that both macroeconomic and micro environment is causing an untold harm on the majority poor,” the statement reads.

In their analysis of the social economic environment in which Malawians are in, it is clear that Malawians are going through bad economic times yet the powers that be seem less interested in the plight of the poor citizenry or they are clueless on the solutions for the same.

While noting the distribution of infrastructure development in all the regions of the country, many are the challenges and problems biting Malawians hard and suffocation their development.  Among these are; food insecurity and the hunger situation, uncertain and doggy affordable input programme,  cyclone Freddy, recovery and  its uncertainties, corruption and institutional failures, stifling freedom of expression and shrinking civic space, refugee protection and inhumane considerations and the weakening state security.

The commission has proposed some recommendations to arrest the worsening situation, among them calling for wide consultations on the fight against corruption, the restructuring and empowering ADMARC to play its role in preventing adverse hunger situation in the country among others.

Signed by all CCJP coordinators from all the Dioceses in the country, the Commission made its assessment of the social economic times Malawi is in during its recent quarterly meeting.

Lewis Msiyadungu – DOC- CCJP Coordinator

CCJP is a governance arm of the Church that seeks to play an advocacy role in different political and economic injustices that people find themselves and strives to uphold constitutionalism at all times.