Communication commissions and media houses urged to embrace new technologies

Communication commissions and media houses urged to embrace new technologies

Social Research and Communication coordinators and representatives of catholic media houses have been urged to embrace changes that are taking place in the digital world in order to effectively proclaim the Gospel as per their mandate. The call was made by Fr Andrew Kaufa who is coordinator for Social Communication Commission at The Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA), during a two week long training workshop in resource mobilization for the coordinators and media houses from Zambia and Malawi held in Lusaka from 12th to 24th February 2024.

Speaking at the close of the training, Fr Kaufa thanked all members for attending the training and hoped for increased funding and sustainability of the commissions and media houses. One of the new developments that he announced is the changes in funding for communications projects. He said from now on all projects will be handled by the Pontifical Mission Societies to the Propaganda Fidei. He thus called for good working relationship between communications coordinators and directors for PMS at all levels.

On the technological developments in information technology, Fr Kaufa urged all members to embrace new technologies as thee have become part of man’s existence. He echoed calls by the Holy Father for us to make sure that these are being put to good use.

Fr Frank Mwinganyama, who is Director for Kuwala FM in Blantyre Archdiocese, thanked the AMECEA team for organizing such an insightful and fruitful workshop. He said the relevant material and knowledge gained will be put to use once back in participants’ respective work places.

The training workshop was conducted at Kasisi Retreat Centre in Lusaka, organized by AMECEA Communications department and facilitated by CORAT Africa.