DOC hails Strengthening APA Project

DOC hails Strengthening APA Project

The Catholic Social services Directorate Chikwawa Diocese geared in strengthening one of it’s current projects Ana Patsogolo that is being implemented in the Diocese.

Speaking during a 3 day review meeting at Nchalo in Chikwawa district, the Catholic Social Service Directorate Director Father Matthews Allan Semba emphasised much on coordination among the officers. “We cannot perform as the project if there is no coordination among ourselves”. Semba said. He said the Diocese is ready to sort out all the challenges that the project is facing.

In her remarks, Susan Banaba project’s monitoring and evaluation officer said there is a need of all review attendees to in implement what they have learnt in their catchment areas for the betterment of of the project. “We need to work hard in order to meet the project’s goals since it’s a consortium project”. Said Banaba.

Chikwawa Catholic Social services directorate managed to scoop many awards than any other APA implementing partners in 2023 financial year.

The Ana Patsogolo Activity (APA)contribute to Malawi’s commitments towards the realization of zero new HIV infection, zero AIDS related deaths and Zero discrimination especially as they they relate to the vulnerable children and adolescent girls and young women to overlap population living with escalated and intersecting risks for HIV infection, gender-based violence  (GBV) and poor sexual and reproductive Health (SRH)