Homily for Sunday 32nd Sunday in ordinary Time

Homily for Sunday 32nd Sunday in ordinary Time

Readings: II Mac 7:1-2, 9-14; 2Thes 2:16-3:5; Lk 20:27-38.


The apostles’creed declares at the very end of the Church’s belief in the resurrection of the body and the consequent eternal life.

This is the faith that as a Church we dearly hold.

As we move towards the end of the liturgical year, the Church through our readings today, wants to let us have a peak into the end times and remind us of the fundamental belief in the resurrection so that we are made strong in our faith.

In the first readings, we hear of brothers who do not shy from giving their very selves for the sake of following the law but also because of their belief in the resurrection.

What we learn is that the resurrection is very important for our Christian practice. The fact of expecting a better life in the future makes believers strong in faith and leave at nothing when it comes to following God.

In the gospel reading, Jesus confirms the teaching about the resurrection as he teaches on the question about a woman who had been married to seven brothers. In response to the question whose wife shall she be at the resurrection, Jesus exposes the nature our existence after resurrection. We shall all be like angels.

We shall all rise at the end of times to be like angels and sons of God.

Blessed Sunday to you.