Chikwawa Laity Raises Funds through Luncheon

Chikwawa Laity Raises Funds through Luncheon

Bishop Musikuwa dines with members of the church

31st July 2022 was an excellent memento as members of the church in the Diocese of Chikwawa dined with their Bishop at a fundraising luncheon organised by the laity council. The fundraising was held as a way of raising funds to support core functions and events of the church. This include the upcoming Priest Ordination, slated for 13th August 2022.

VIP section of the luncheon

The event saw multitudes from all Parishes of the diocese converging at the Bishop house where the meat was roasted to the turn and drinks sold out. Managing Director for Illovo Sugar Company, Lekani Katandula, graced the event as guest of honour. He was among others franked by former Member of Parliament and minister, Francis Kasaila.

In his homily preceding the luncheon, Bishop Musikuwa urged the congregants to be supportive of the church as it needs finances to further spread the word of God and evangelize. He said the best thanksgiving to God’s blessings is to give back to the church.

Standard tickets for the luncheon were being sold at K10, 000 while VIP tickets fetched K20, 000. Also up for sale were drinks and brai.

Speaking during the event, the guest of honour, Lekani Katandula, said it was quite an honour to be given the opportunity to support the Diocese which is where he originally hails from. He further took the opportunity to urge fellow members not to be carried away by the demands of their professional and business life and forget their responsibility within the church.

“I have a very huge responsibility at my work place but still I always find time to serve God through the Church. I am for example vice Chairperson of the English Mass and CI Parish and also a Sunday school teacher. My personal view is that, there is no any excuses to serve God. Our efforts should further be cemented by contributing financially to the mission of the church”

Katandula said.

Besides making several offertories, the guest of honour made a contribution of 1.2 million kwacha. Also notable was the presence of members of Marriage Encounter-an organisation of married Catholics which is yet to be launched in the diocese. They took the event as an opportunity to raise sensitization of the grouping. There were also representatives from the Social Services Directorate of the Diocese led by the Director, Fr Mathews Semba. other groupings present included the Young Christian Workers, Catholic Women Organisation, Catholic Men organisation, Proud Catholics, and many others.