Homily for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Homily for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Deut 30:10-14; Col 1:15-20; Lk10:25-38

“Go and do likewise”

Today, we are confronted with the reality of living the commandment of love. It would be a foregone conclusion that we all know that God commands us to love our neighbors, friends, and all.

Experience has shown that we know what God wants us to do and yet our main challenge is the failure to do what God wants of us.

The first reading contains Moses’ call to all people to an assembly where they will hear the law of God read before them. It is an essential step to keeping the law. This was to confirm to some who thought keeping the law was impossible. But with God, as long as people hear the law and take it to heart they will be able to practice it. We might be well aware of the law, the question could be what keeps us from doing what it commands?

The parable of the good Samaritan is an example of failure by people who ought to be knowledgeable about the law to live it. Priests, scribes, and Jews are all experts in the law. Surprisingly they are the ones that pass by the man who was left helpless by thugs. It was a Samaritan, a person regarded ignorant of the law and unworthy before God who does what God commands.

This is a lesson to us; let us all live the commands, especially the commandment of love which is the culmination of all commandments.

Blessed Sunday to all.