Homily for 13th Sunday in Ordinary time

Homily for 13th Sunday in Ordinary time

Readings: 1Kgs19:16,19-21;Gal 5:1.13-18;Lk 9:51-62

The cost of discipleship

Today, we are all invited to reflect on what it costs to be a Christian. It is almost like common practice or something in fashion to belong to one religion or another. Perhaps this is so because as they say man is born religious by nature. However, the actual living of the religion raises more questions than answers since sometimes it is clear that many of us do not actually know what it means and takes to be religious.  Many Christians have often practiced syncretism in their way of life. Much as they want and like to be called Christians, they are all the same inclined to their old ways.

Today, the church offers an insight into what it means and takes to be a disciple of Christ.

The first reading brings Elisha who has been chosen by God as successor prophet to Elijah. There are two important things to note: he offers a sacrifice and leaves everything to follow Elijah. This is a first glimpse of what it means to be a disciple: self- sacrifice and denial of everything to follow him.

In the Gospel Jesus is confronted by a man who declares his wish to go with him to any place he goes. Probably sensing pure excitement and lack of knowledge of what he is saying, Jesus talks of the pain and lack of comfort of those who follow him. They go through pain and lack the comfort of being masters of their own lives. They submit their wills and strength to him. This is what it means to be a disciple and the cost one pays to follow Christ.

May God help us to fully understand the demands of our Christian calling and commit to live that life by sacrificing our very best.

Blessed Sunday.