Homily for Sunday Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ-Corpus Christi

Homily for Sunday Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ-Corpus Christi

Readings: Gen14:18-20; 1Cor11:23-26; Lk9:11-17

The Eucharist; A thanksgiving sacrifice

Today marks a feast celebrating one of the most fundamental mysteries of our faith; The feast of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Corpus Christi or Chikuku, as fondly called in our vernacular, celebrates the self-giving of our God through His son Jesus. We celebrate with hearts full of thanksgiving.

In the first reading, Abram, having seen God’s redemption as he returned from battle, presents himself before Melchizedek the high priest to offer thanks through an offering of animals. Thus, Melchizedek, who already typifies the mystery of the priesthood of Christ prefigures an offering given in thanks to God.

We are celebrating the feast that both reminds us and celebrates the continued salvific work of Christ in his church. Today, together with Christ, we offer to the Father a sacrifice of thanks for the salvation we have inherited.

It, therefore, will be more fitting to accord this feast the most reverence it deserves for it is only and only through this sacrifice that we are born in Christ as God’s saved ones.

We therefore must preach this salvation; not just as a reminder to all but also as people who make this salvation available to all. Like Paul, we have but one duty, to preach what we have received through the Church.

Happy feast to all!