Bishop calls for assistance to complete the construction of the security fence

Bishop calls for assistance to complete the construction of the security fence

Right Reverend Peter Musikuwa, bishop of the Diocese of Chikwawa has called on Christians, individuals, and families to assist the diocese to complete the construction of a brick wall fence around the bishop’s premises. The bishop made the call through a letter addressed to priests, religious, and the lay faithful.

The letter, dated 19th April 2022 and signed by the bishop, calls to mind the unfortunate event that took place earlier this year when thugs broke into the bishop’s house and went away with some items.

The diocese started constructing a brick fence around the premises but due to financial challenges, the work was brought to a halt. It is for this reason that the bishop is calling for assistance taking into consideration the significance of the residence which also houses important offices.

“I write to you to ask for assistance acknowledging the limited resources we have, so that we may all help in making the bishop’s house secure by contributing generously so that we finish the works we already started.” The letter reads.

The bishop has called on all parishes, institutions, Small Christian Communities, families, and individuals to make their contributions through the diocesan treasurer’s office and will be duly acknowledged upon receipt of the donation.

Institutions or families can pick any item that they can afford from the quotations that will be provided in liaison with the diocesan treasurer general.

The bishop’s house in Chikwawa has been targeted by thugs over the recent years and this has raised an alarm that something needs to be done to make the place secure.