CADECOM holds awareness meeting

CADECOM holds awareness meeting

The Catholic Commission for Development in Malawi CADECOM of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi, on Wednesday 5th May 2022 held an awareness meeting with Community Leaders under Traditional Authority Masache.

Through the meeting, CADECOM introduced to the community a Cyclone ANA Flood Response project with support from the European Commission Humanitarian Civil Protection Office(ECHO), through Oxfam in Malawi.

In Chikwawa, the project seeks to provide material and monetary support to flood survivors in the area of T/A Masache and Ngowe.

The project will also support survivors in some T/As in Nsanje especially; Malemia, Nyachikadza, Ngabu, and Chimombo.

Over 6000 households will benefit from this initiative.

Chikwawa and Nsanje are some of the districts heavily affected by heavy flooding this year. Some people lost lives while many lost property and were displaced.