It never rains but pours as Tropical Storm Gombe hits the Lower Shire

It never rains but pours as Tropical Storm Gombe hits the Lower Shire

Tropical storm Gombe has added further damage to infrastructure and property in Chikwawa and Nsanje as the residents of the two districts are yet to recover from the misery caused by tropical Cyclone Ana.

The tropical storm which poured heavy rains and strong winds from Thursday to Monday, caused flooding in some parts due to high water volumes in major rivers. The Department of Disaster Management (DODMA) had earlier tipped the district of Chikwawa as of a higher risk to another wave of flooding

The rains have a been a major cause for worry as they have increased the number of households that have been displaced disaster this year. A preliminary assessment in the area of Traditional Authoritimy Ngabu of Chikwawa for example indicates that hundreds of households have relocated to nearby evacuation camps following the damage caused to their houses.

‘At Nyambiro  camp  total population has increased with 91 households,   Dolo   camp with 64  HHs ,  Mchenga  camp with  67 HHs. A total of 202 households have been affected in TA Masache’

Added Chikwawa District Disaster Desk Officer, Humphrey Magalasi

Meanwhile, there has been no official communication from Nsanje but there are reports of flooding in some areas. There are also reports of damaged houses and road networks, as well as loss of property such as food and livestock in both districts. Nevertheless, efforts to have a thorough assessment has been compromised as some roads are rendered impassable.

On Friday, DODMA deployed a joint search and rescue team in the two districts comprising the Malawi Defense Force (MDF), Malawi Police Service and Malawi Red Cross Society Officers.

‘The team works with search and rescue teams at district level to provide life-saving interventions’

DODMA Commissioner, Charles Kalemba had indicated

The districts of Chikwawa and Nsanje are the most disaster prone areas in Malawi due to their geographical position and associated climatic variabilities. They are often affected by heavy flooding and drought.