FCK Zomba Chapter cheer Deacons and Seminarians from Chikwawa

FCK Zomba Chapter cheer Deacons and Seminarians from Chikwawa

On Sunday, 13th June, 2021, Deacons and seminarians from Chikwawa Diocese were honoured and privileged with a visit by Friends of Chikwawa Diocese (FCK) Zomba Chapter.  The purpose of the visit was to enhance interaction, and imparting pieces of advice to the Deacons and seminarians from the Diocese, currently under formation at St. Peter’s Major Seminary in Zomba. During the interaction the Friends of Chikwawa Diocese also portrayed their supportive gesture to the students by donating a number of assorted items to the community.

Speaking during the interaction, Mr Dowe, who is also the chairperson of the grouping gave a word of hope and encouragement to the deacons and seminarians. “Deacons and seminarians should carry on with the journey till the day of accomplishment and should also avoid things which can rob them of what they are”. Said Dowe.

 He also used this opportunity to ask FCK Lilongwe Chapter to take care of seminarians from Chikwawa Diocese at Kachebere Major Seminary.

 Speaking on behalf of fellow students, Deacon Isaac Jackson, expressed a word of inordinate gratification to FCK Zomba Chapter for their generous gesture and also for their varied sacrifices that they make every time in supporting them. Further, He also took an opportunity to let FCK Zomba Chapter and everyone know that formation to priesthood requires a lot of financial and material support and that many students struggle to get basic needs. But the timely support of generous Christians like FCK Zomba Chapter makes life at least bearable. Hence, he appealed for more support.

Part of FCK Zomba Chapter delegation

Friends of Chikwawa Diocese is a Catholic grouping comprised of Catholic Christians from Chikwawa Diocese, resident in Zomba. Among other things, the group works towards assisting Deacons and seminarians from Chikwawa Diocese during their priestly formation.

Among the items that the FCK Zomba chapter donated to the students are: washing powder, washing tablets, bathing soap, exercise books, pens, tooth paste, tooth brushes, Rim of papers, 2 New Roman Missals and they also pledged amount of money amounting to MK 25,500.00. The grouping was represented by Mr Kaphaso, Mr Dowe and other few selected members.

Brother Peter Tembo receiving the missal, one of the items brought by the visitors