Nkhate Catholic Primary School Alumni Association launched

Nkhate Catholic Primary School Alumni Association launched

” East west, south north, they say, but home is always best.” This saying is very common whenever someone appreciates his or her background and longs for a return.

Friday 11th June 2021 saw the return of sons and daughters of Nkhate Catholic primary school to their roots. It was a day that sought to formalize a body that was formed in 2020; a body of former learners of the school who are now resident and plying their trade elsewhere around the country.

At an event held at the school, the Nkhate Catholic Primary School Alumni Association was officially launched.

Speaking after the event, chairperson of the grouping Machammad Mashonga said the purpose of the return home was firstly to launch the alumni association which was formed in 2020. Secondly, the visit was also meant to share with the school and student some items for the prevention of Covid 19 but also learning materials.

“You are well aware that since the outbreak of Covid 19 many schools haven’t had equipment to keep the hygiene necessary to prevent spread of the virus. So we have brought assorted items for such plus other learning materials.” Said Mashonga.

alumni members donning their old school uniform

Mashonga further said that their dream moving forward is that they will solicit funds for the rehabilitation of different structures at the school such as classroom blocks, staff houses, corridors and so forth.

In his words parish priest for Nkhate, Fr Samson Kayuni, applauded the good gesture of the alumni they have shown.

“We thank Nkhate Primary School Alumni for setting the fire that will help not only the people of this area but the nation as a whole. This is so because some of the learners will one day after advancing with their education serve the nation wherever they will work.” Said Fr Kayuni.

Spicing up the launch of the association were dances and sporting activities between current learners and the alumni. There were football and netball matches which entertained all those that graced the occasion.

Some of the items brought were, buckets, basins, soap, sanitizers, notebooks, pens and many more.

some of the alumni interacting with leaners in sports

The return of alumni associations for institutions is often payback time in appreciation of what the institution has been for them especially if it is a school in molding their future.

Counsel Joster Chisale and Commissioner for Phalombe District are some of the notable products of Nkhate Primary School.