Our Lady of Fatima Parish celebrates women’s role in the Church

Our Lady of Fatima Parish celebrates women’s role in the Church

On 3rd February 2024, the Catholic Women Association of Our Lady of Fatima Parish organized a fundraising function with the aim of finding money to buy some items for the father’s house. The function was a success, as they managed to raise about MWK2,000,000.00, which they used to buy a TV set, a sofa set, a TV stand and a wall clock, for the father’s house.

The function began with a Eucharistic celebration that was presided over by Fr Henry Biriwita, who is also the parish priest of Our Lady of Fatima. In his homily, Fr Henry encouraged the women that they have a vital role to play in the church, taking Mother Mary as their role model. He praised the women for their generosity, dedication, and faithfulness, and urged them to continue serving the Church and the community with love and joy.

The function continued in the afternoon with the fundraising activity, which saw a lot of people in attendance. The parishioners and guests showed their support and appreciation for the women’s initiative by making generous contributions and pledges.

In her vote of thanks, the chairperson of the Catholic Women Association, Mrs Dora Dausi, expressed her gratitude to everyone who participated and contributed to the function. She also thanked Fr Henry for his guidance and blessing, and the Diocese for their support and encouragement. She said that the function was not only a way of raising funds, but also a way of celebrating the women’s role in the church and the society.

We congratulate the Catholic Women Association of Our Lady of Fatima Parish for their successful function, and we thank them for their valuable service to the church. We also thank all the parishioners and guests who attended and supported the function.