The Holy Father calls for care for one another

The Holy Father calls for care for one another

Pope Francis has called on all peoples to care for the sick and the elderly, insisting on the need for Christians and all people to reflect on the intention of God that man should be a guardian to fellow man.

The Pope has made the call in his message in readiness of the commemoration of the World Day for the Sick on 11th February 2024.

The central message of the Holy borders on the scripture, where we all have been given duty to care for each other. Quoting Genesis 2:18, he emphasizes that Gods intention is that human beings should be keepers for one another.

“We are called to reflect on the Word of God which says, it is not good that man should be alone. The first care that we are called to show is compassionate and loving closeness to the sick. Our actions and behavior have to demonstrate that we care for the common good, care for each other as a community of God’s people.” Reads the message.

This duty he says must be embraced by the community so as to heal the wounds of solitude, loneliness and sickness. The society, as an aggregate of individuals is vital to achieving this goal. “We should learn the importance and value of companionship and care through the experience of love, closeness, compassion and tenderness that we give to our brothers and sisters who are sick in our society. This will help the sick to see the image of God in us. They will always remember that God helps them through the compassionate gaze of Jesus that we show to them.”

The catholic Church commemorates World day for the sick each year so that as a family of God, we help others to feel the compassion of Christ through our care for those in every kind of infirmity.