DOC-SSD reports success; plans for more interventions.

DOC-SSD reports success; plans for more interventions.

The Social Services Directorate of the Diocese of Chikwawa has been lauded for the success stories it has recorded in the just ended year 2023. This was revealed on January 26th, 2024, during the District Executive Committee meeting, where various stakeholders gathered to share valuable insights on the welfare and development of Chikwawa district.

Represented by the Catholic Health Commission (CHC) and the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP), the DOC-SSD stood out among the best performers in their respective thematic areas.

Davie Chimwanza who is the coordinator for CHC, made a presentation on the ANA PATSOGOLO project APA which has various implementation sectors including   education, economic strengthening, case management and parenting. In is report, the APA project has recoded great success and has helped many communities that were targeted. CHC announced another initiative called ANAPA, which will include the youth.

Davie Chimwaza (front) of CHC

Taking his turn, Louis Msiyadungu who is coordinator for CCJP, apart from sharing their success in the Shire Valley Transformation Program and other paralegal services, also introduced their new initiative called, “Enhancing the Participation of Women in the 2025 Malawi General Elections.” With support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), CCJP outlined strategies to empower women through voter education, leadership training, and advocacy efforts. The aim to foster a more inclusive and democratic society by breaking down systemic barriers and promoting gender equality in political representation.

Louis Msiyadungu (back in glasses) for CCJP

Through such DEC meetings, different organizations and groups share ideas on how best to work together for the community’s well-being.