Catholic Church celebrates World Day of the Poor

Catholic Church celebrates World Day of the Poor

The Episcopal Conference of Malawi has communicated that the Church shall commemorate the World Day of the Poor on the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 13th November 2022.

A statement issued by Reverend Father Alfred Chaima, Secretary General for ECM says according to the Apostolic Letter, the World Day of the Poor must be observed in all Churches on the last Sunday before the Feast of Christ the King.

The theme for this years’ commemoration is “For your sakes Christ became poor” which has been drawn from Corinthians 8:9.

‘’In this year’s message, Poe Francis is encouraging us to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need in practical terms. The Holy Father emphasizes that no Christian is exempted from helping the poor. Pope Francis says ‘’Where the poor are concerned, it is not talking that matters, what matters is rolling up our sleeves and putting our faith into practice  through direct involvement, one that cannot be delegated,’’ reads the statement in part.

Further, the statement is encouraging every Small Christian Community and every parish to commemorate the day by identifying and assisting the poor within their communities with the collaboration with Diocesan Pastoral Coordinators and Diocesan CADECOM Secretaries in organizing the event.

According to Father Chaima, a national event in Malawi will be held in the capital Lilongwe at Saint William, Mpale Outstation of Saint Francis Parish under the Archdiocese of Lilongwe.

The ACM has also urged Catholic media houses to come up with programs aimed at raising awareness in the week preceding from 7th to 13th November 2022.

The day was established by Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter, Misericordia et Misera, issued on 20 November 2016 to celebrate the end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.