Homily for Sunday: The Ascension of the Lord

Homily for Sunday: The Ascension of the Lord

Readings: Act1:1-11; heb9:24-28, 17-19; Lk 24:46-53

Strength to move on in faith

Christ departs from among his disciples. The Easter celebration is over. The liturgical symbolism of a lighting candle goes off. The only fire and candle that is left to burn are in our hearts.

Today we celebrate the ascension of our Lord to heaven. The forty days of accompanying his disciples after the resurrection are over.

His departure doesn’t signal the end of the mission but rather the beginning since it is now the time for the apostles to give witness to the gospel.

In the first reading, we hear the witness of Luke who writes to Theophilus again, reminding him of the Jesus he preached to him. He talks about his life, suffering, d, death, and resurrection; and then his ascension to heaven. This is the witness he had to give to Christ and is an example of what every Christian should do. The ascension gives unto us a duty to proclaim the resurrection of Christ.

Jesus commanded his disciples to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. However, Christ knew the need for the spirit to come for the apostles to thrive in their faith.

As Christ leaves the stage, he promises the spirit to be with the apostles to help them in their work.

We pray for the spirit to come and make us stand strong in faith as we proclaim his salvation.