Homily for Sunday: second Sunday in Ordinary time

Homily for Sunday: second Sunday in Ordinary time

Readings: Is62:1-5;1Cor12:4-11; John2:1-12

Trust in God’s faithfulness

Human life experience, and indeed our Christian life is often faced with challenges. It is a fact of life that we don’t get things as easy as we could love. There are times when these challenges or problems make question the things that we really held dearly to our chest and give us reason to believing. What do we do in such cases as Christians?

Our first reading this Sunday from Trito Isaiah addresses the broken Israel, the desolated Zion. They are a people in exile; God’s people but brought down to shame by Him for their iniquities. The exile for was for the Jews a demeaning experience that led many to question whether what God had said of them was true. The people he had chosen as his own were getting small in number, their life was no longer in their hands but their captors. Many deserted their faith and trust in God despite many prophets preaching of their impending return to their homeland. Thus Isaiah addressed them by announcing the new world order, a new Jerusalem which will be full of splendor and shall be a light to other nations. God will use the now desolate Israel to bring many nations to him. This called for trust in God. Those that trusted these words were in the long run among those returning to their land.

The Gospel on the wedding feast at Cana shows that God through Jesus is the one that can bring joy in our lives. He will bring fullness of life and happiness. The prerequisite for this is the faith and trust in him as showed by Mary. Mary had faith in his son as the Son of God. This is why she went to Jesus asking on behalf of the people that they had run out of wine. She asked Jesus’ disciples to have the same faith as she told them, do as he asks you to.

Jesus makes use of jars that were empty and were used for handwashing to bring joy the wedding party. This is how God can transform our situation from desperation to joy. He will turn around our fortunes, but only and only if we have faith and trust in Him.

Let us pray that we all have faith in God and He will surely come tour help for He is faithful to his promises.  

Blessed Sunday to you all.