Fr Chifukwa consecrated Bishop of Dedza.

Fr Chifukwa consecrated Bishop of Dedza.

The Catholic Church in Malaw,i on Saturday, 28th August, celebrated the raising of Father Peter Adrian Chifukwa to the order of bishops at a colorful ceremony held at Bembeke Demonstration school ground.

Drawing a large crowd of Catholics and all people of good will, the function lived to its billing as a moment where a shepherd of the flock was being consecrated.

Liturgical dancers(in Yellow) and part of the congregation

Addressing the congregants gathered, Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa, who was the principal celebrant, called on all people to remain united despite holding different political beliefs. He served a word of advice to the new bishop and all religious leaders to avoid tendencies that have the potential of breeding conflicts among their flock.

Bishop Chifukwa (seated) poses with fellow bishops

“As religious leaders let us be exemplary in promoting and preaching especially on what our respective doctrines say without referring to other churches’ doctrines to advance your agenda. This is uncalled for”. Said the Archbishop.

Taking his turn to address the new bishop, Archbishop Giafranc Gallone, papal envoy to Malawi and Zambia, congratulated the new bishop and advised him to be courageous as he leads the diocese of Dedza.

In his maiden speech, bishop Chifukwa urged all Christians to work together for him to discharge his duties diligently and effectively.

In attendance at the ceremony, was the State president Dr Lazarus Chakwera and state vice president Dr Saulos Chilima, other government officials and different political leaders.

President Chakwera and his wife Monica

Making his address, the president assured the archbishop that he will work to ensure that unity among religious groupings is upheld.

Bishop Chifukwa becomes the sixth bishop of Dedza following the death of Bishop Emmanuel Kanyama in 2018.

Vice president Chilima and his wife Mary