
Bishop Musikuwa resumes celebration of sacrament of Confirmation

His Lordship Peter Martin Musikuwa, bishop of Chikwawa diocese has announced that the conferring of the sacrament of Confirmation in…

St Kizito (Mitondo) parish to fundraise for priests’ house.

St Kizito parish (Mitondo) of the diocese of Chikwawa has organized a fundraising event to raise money for the completion…

Fr Chifukwa consecrated Bishop of Dedza.

The Catholic Church in Malaw,i on Saturday, 28th August, celebrated the raising of Father Peter Adrian Chifukwa to the order…

CCJP in Community Police Capacity Strengthening

In a bid to enhance community response to issues of Gender Based Violence (GBV), the Catholic Commission for Justice and…

Chikwawa YCW Council of Leaders meet

Young Christian Workers Leaders from various sections within the Diocese of Chikwawa on Sunday convened a meeting in a bid…