Bishop Musikuwa announces developments, transfers

Bishop Musikuwa announces developments, transfers

Right Reverend Peter Musikuwa, Bishop of Chikwawa diocese has announced changes, developments and transfer of personnel in the diocese.

In a letter dated 17th May 2022, the Bishop has announced that due to expansion of programmes at Trinity College of Nursing and Midwifery, the college will be rebranding and shall be called Trinity College of Health Sciences. The college has since started offering other courses apart from the nursing course it used to.

The Bishop has also taken time to update the faithful in the diocese who took part in raising money for the construction of a rectory at Mitondo parish. “The work of constructing Mitondo Parish rectory is in progress in spite of some challenges that are due to unforeseen circumstances such as rising cost of building materials and lack of adequate funding.”

The diocese of Chikwawa was blessed to have another congregation of sisters earlier this year and used to reside at the Bishop’s house. The Selasian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate congregation was welcomed in the diocese. Due to their pastoral goal of running Montfort Hospital, the sisters relocated to Nchalo where the hospital is. The bishop is informing the faithful that the sisters convent was blessed and opened.

“The Sisters of Selasian Missionaries of Mary Immaculate (SMMI) relocated to St. Matthew’s, Nchalo Parish after the blessing and opening of their house called Mary Immaculate Convent which took place on 25th March, 2022. The following are the pioneers of the mission of the SMMI Sisters in the diocese of Chikwawa:

Rev. Sister Shiji Mal Matthew (Mother Superior)

• Rev. Sister Anjna Kujur

Rev. Sister Archana Petrus Peter.

Coming and sweet news to the youths in the diocese but also as a major development, the bishops has announced plans by the diocese to establish a Diocesan Vocational Training Centre. Preliminary meetings and works like architectural consultations have already started.

The Bishop has also made changes and appointments in the duties of some priests in the diocese as follows:

Fr Isaac Gerald Jackson who was curate at Njale parish has been appointed as Diocesan Finance Administrator

Fr Martin Hanock who was parish priest for Konzalendo will be parish priest for Misomali parish

Fr Daniel Makwiti will now be serving at Konzalendo parish as parish priest leaving Fatima parish where he was curate.

Fr Mostein Tengani will be curate at Fatima parish

Fr Francis Witika will be curate at Njale parish having moved from Misomali.

These apppointments are with effect from 1 June 2022.