Member of Parliament for Nsanje Central, honorable Kafandikhale Mandevana has hailed CADECOM for providing immidiate response to families affected by Cyclone Ana aggravated disaster in the district.

Speaking during one of the distribution exercises conducted in the area of GVH Ntondo of Traditional Authority Tengani, the MP said the donation will help affected households to address immidiate challenges brought forth by the Cyclone Ana storm. He said most of the affected households are in dire need of food and shelter among others.

“I wish to thank CADECOM for the relief package. In the area of GVH Ntondo alone over 116 households were affected and each has among others recieved a blanket, plates, and a multipurpose K30 000 cash”

“Although this may not be enough to sort out all the needs, I am sure the households will utilize it to buy food and even purchase learning materials for their school going children”

Mandevana said.

The cyclone flooding indeed wrecked a heavy havoc in the area of GVH Ntondo with many houses tossed to the ground, forcing many people to move to evacuation camps. There is also looming hunger in the area as crops were wiped out by the disaster.

Speaking at the same event, Nsanje Acting District Disaster Desk Officer, Patrick Supuni, implored the flood survivors to prudently use the money they recieved.

“As I thank CADECOM and their funders, I want to make a plea to all of us to prudently use the funds and the assorted items we have received. Let’s sit down and plan with our families so that we certainly purchase the things that we need most. It wouldn’t make sense for you to spend the money on alcohol when the entire family is in dire need of food. In the same vein, our funders wouldn’t be happy to hear that their donated funds have trigger domestic violence “

Supuni addressing the beneficiaries

CADECOM in partnership with Oxfam is implementing a two month Cyclone Ana Flood Response project with funding from the European Union Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO).