Diocese of Chikwawa pleads for help

Diocese of Chikwawa pleads for help

The catholic diocese of Chikwawa has called on organizations and people of good will to join hands in its efforts of bettering the living conditions of people who have been affected by flooding due to Cyclone Anna. The call was made through a press statement cosigned by Bishop Musikuwa of the diocese and Father Mathews Semba who is the director of the Social Services.

In its opening statement, the diocese recalls its duty to respond to social issues and problems that affect people in the territory, through the social services directorate. In the present scenario, the diocese is looking for ways it can help in its relief efforts that will alleviate the suffering of the people in the Shire Valley region, due to flooding which has claimed lives of ten people and many other lives are yet to be accounted for. Therefore, the diocese is calling on well-wishers to assist in these efforts by donating both in monetary form or otherwise.

Bishop Musikuwa distributing relief items during previous flooding

“The Diocese has established that well over 20,000 households are in dire need urgent help with basic life necessities. Most of their possessions have been washed away with the flooding waters leaving thousands helpless. Those that have managed to get to camps find themselves sleeping in the cold and  without enough to eat.” Reads part of the statement.

The diocese is looking for items like tents, kitchen utensils, tarpaulins, chlorine, mosquito nets, soap, dignity kits, money, sanitary pads, maize flour, cooking oil fish, beans, water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, lighting, solar, cooking materials, fuel, energy saving stoves, beddings and clothes among others.  

The diocese has set aside a special account through which donations can be made. Donations in form of money can be sent through the following: Bank name: Diocese of Chikwawa, FDH Bank, Chikwawa Branch, number 11 00000 223 148. TNM Mpamba 0885 70 36 25 and Airtel Money 0999 95 08 39.

The lower shire districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa have been the most hit by effects of cyclone Anna with most of the streams and big rivers flooding the surrounding land surface.