Homily for 2nd Sunday of Advent

Homily for 2nd Sunday of Advent

Garment of joy and glory

Readings: First reading: Bar 5:1-9; Second reading: Phil1: 4 -6, 8-11; Gospel: Lk3:1-6

Christmas season brings good tidings. Salvation is made real in the presence of Christ.

Our readings today give us thus.

In the first reading, Baruch who has probably seen it all, speaks to Israelites in exile. He gives them hope by telling of the coming of the reestablishment of the kingdom of Israel.

This must be some news for the suffering Israel. They have had enough suffering and humiliation at the hands of their oppressors. Sorrow covered them well enough that shame was their daily feeling.

It is in this circumstance that Baruch invites the people to expect the revival of their nation. No more shall Jerusalem be veiled in a garment of sorrow but joy and glory.

Thus, Baruch preaches deliverance and salvation to the people. This brings joy and glory to Israel since they will be able to live as God’s chosen race.

The gospel gives us an insight of the same. The birth of Christ at Christmas is always good news for the salvation of mankind. It also signals the kind of state we are in; lacking grace as we struggle through this life.

Just as in Baruch, John preaches salvation and that we need to put off some old garment. We are called to leave behind our sinful life and be born anew to enjoy the benefits of the coming of Christ.

Therefore, today, we are all called to leave behind our old ways as we expect the coming of our Lord. We all have to take off our old garment of sin which is keeping us captives of Satan and put on garments of good works so as to receive Christ worthily as he comes to us.

Blessed Sunday to you all.