Young Christian Workers -Chikwawa- has new executive

Young Christian Workers -Chikwawa- has new executive

Young Christian Workers in the Diocese of Chikwawa, on 14th November, elected a new Leadership as the movement sought to secure more growth years ahead. The elections, held on the sidelines of an Annual General Meeting convened at Nkhate Parish, saw a crop of 5 leaders taking oath.

Leo Kazembe of Nchalo section was entrusted with the Presidency and is being deputized by Precious Santu of Fatima section. Emanuel Chisoni of Chikwawa section retained his secretary position with Peter Muyanika of Nkhathe Section being voted his vice. It was certainly a hay day for Nchalo Section as it also also filled the Treasure post in the name of Martha Gauti. This leadership is expected to be completed with four committee members from four identified sections including Ngabu and Nsanje.

The elected young leaders who later accepted their new role will officially enter Office in January 2021, after going through a smooth transitional period.

Speaking on the sidelines of the AGM, new President Leo Kazembe who replaced the outgoing James Chinseu, expressed delight with the new role.  He said, he is upbeat to take the movement to another level.

“I need to thank God for allowing me to serve him through this movement. I also thank members for entrusting me to lead. Moving forward, I wish to make sure that YCW has active structures in all the parishes. We should be financially stable, members should be very active, and everyone should be a leader as required”

He said.

In the aftermath of the elections, the Outgoing President, James Chinseu-whose term expired after serving for over three years, dished out some tips to the new Leadership. He said humility and dedication are the epitome of good leadership adding that the two should be complemented by love and fear for the Lord. He pinpointed lack of strong commitment from members as one key bottleneck slugging the growth of the movement.

“We have made a big progress in the last three years. Membership has improved and a number of charity initiatives have been championed by the movement. But we would be a step ahead if we enjoyed an improved coordination and commitment from members’

“I therefore put it to the new leadership to strategize on how to increase membership of the movement and enhance the coordination amongst sections and its members’

James said.

Five sections, Chikwawa, Ngabu, Nchalo, Nkhathe, and Mitondo,were party to the AGM. Right to the expectations of the participants, the meeting offered an opportunity for members to interact, share successes and lessons, and plan for the coming year. A calendar of events was certainly produced, containing 6 main activities to be implemented at diocesan level. All the sections are therefore required to formulate their own calendar of events for the coming year.

Among other things, members encouraged each other to intensify intersection meetings, spiritual retreats, bible and social enquiries as well as charity works.

Addressing the young workers, Diocesan Youth Chaplain, Fr Lockie, urged the young workers to extend YCW to various churches especially those in the remotest areas. He also encouraged the members to look at YCW as a family where they can build networks and gain leadership competencies.

“Among key aims of YCW in modern times is to build leadership capabilities amongst the youth. I therefore urge you to take YCW as an opportunity to sharpen your leadership skills which are necessary in the competitive world. Always remain active and attend both diocesan and national meetings-where you can interact with different people”

“At section level, I want everyone here to be a driver of the YCW values and works. With dedication and commitment, the Lord will definitely reward you”

Reports presented from various sections indicated an increase in membership of the movement for the past years. Key activities reported included tree planting exercises, charity works, fundraising initiatives. Nevertheless, as the year draw to a close, the movement has been tainted by financial hiccups aggravated by low subscriptions from members. Covid-19 also stood in the way of various planned interventions at both diocesan and section level. Meanwhile, enrollment of new members this year has been rescheduled to