Mzimu Woyera Alumni hands over sanitary facility

Mzimu Woyera Alumni hands over sanitary facility

“Rome was not built in a single day,” so says an old adage.

An aura of joy and satisfaction filled Mzimu Woyera Seminary campus on Saturday 29th May 2021, when the alumni for the school handed over a modern sanitary facility. This has been long time hatched dream and a tedious endeavor that finally came to fruition.

Leading the alumni and other guests at the colorful function, bishop Peter Musikuwa of the diocese presided over Eucharistic celebration before the official handover. In his homily the bishop exhorted all to remain committed in working towards helping the seminary and formation of future priests.

After the celebration of mass, the bishop was led to the facility amidst songs of joy from the minor seminarians’ choir that sung so well during mass.

Touring the facility after its handover, the bishop appreciated the shower rooms, toilets, laundry, barber (hairdressing) area and others.

The facility has been built through generous contributions of the alumni.

Speaking to members of the alumni, David Moyo who is president, thanked all members who generously dipped into their pockets to aid the construction of the facility.

“I want to thank you all for your contributions towards our project which we today handover to the seminary. Some of you came and assisted whenever you saw the need to do so.  May the Lord bless you abundantly”. Said Moyo.

He further asked members to keep contributing towards the new project of buying beds and desks. Recently the seminary has seen a rise in the intake which has led to shortage of desks and beds. Members are encouraged to buy a desk at Twenty-Four Thousand Kwacha while a double deck bed is costing Ninety-Five thousand kwacha.

Mzimu Woyera Seminary alumni was formed after former students saw the need to give back to what made them what they are in the society. Its main aim was to help reduce the impact of the challenges that the school was facing and affecting examination results. So far they have managed to provide portable water and the sanitary facility. Some have already started buying desks and beds.

The first president for the grouping was John Bande who stepped aside after completing his term of office.