Very Reverend Chifukwa to be consecrated Bishop of Dedza on 31 July 2021

Very Reverend Chifukwa to be consecrated Bishop of Dedza on 31 July 2021

The catholic diocese of Dedza has announced dates for the consecration of the Very Reverend Peter Adrian Chifukwa. In a letter addressed to all priests, religious, seminarians and the lay faithful, the diocesan administrator, Very Reverend John Chithonje said that the ceremony will take place on 31st July 2021 at Bembeke Cathedral Parish.

The announcement follows the appointment of Fr Chifukwa as bishop elect of the diocese by the Vatican.

Born Peter Adrian Chifukwa on 27th August 1973, the bishop elect hails from Msampha Village, T/A Kaphuka in Dedza district. After his primary and secondary education, Very Rev Chifukwa did his philosophical studies at Kachebere from 1994 to 1997; and theological studies at St Peters Seminary from 1997 to 2001. He was ordained priest on 12th June 2004. During his years of priesthood, he served at Dedza parish, Ganya parish and Kizito Minor seminary. He went for further studies in Kenya where he did Canon Law from 2007 to 2010. He also served as secretary to the bishop, chaplain for sisters and also as diocesan judicial vicar.

Inside Bembeke Cathedral of Dedza diocese