Third Sunday of Lent

Third Sunday of Lent

READINGS: Ex 20:1-17, 1Cor 1:22-25, Jn 2:13-25
Today the third Sunday of lent we are invited through the readings to a change of mindset. Our way of worship, our Christian values and our attitude towards religion must reflect the presence
of Christ among his people. Maybe we may ask how much more should our worship, Christian values and attitudes reflect the presence of Christ among his people?

The first reading and the Gospel passage give us the clue. In the first reading the ten commandments (also known as the Decalogue) are given to the people of Israel shortly after the
exodus from Egypt to restructure the way of life, to recreate their conduct and open a new horizon for God in their midst. Similarly in our days the first four commandments are a gateway to
establishing our relationship with God while the last six commandments deal with our relationship with one another. These are later summarized by Jesus as love of God and neighbor. His desire is that we should live by these commandments so that the people around us may feel the presence of Christ among them and attain the joy of being re-united with him.

Like the money changers in the Gospel passage more often than not, we have distracted the word of God from taking roots in the hearts of the people. My dear brothers and sisters Christ feels
annoyed and if this is not enough becomes angry at us when we make business in his name and trade before God, worse still in his own house.

Think of the times you and I took advantage of our
positions in the Church of God. Many are the examples but I will cite just few of them: selling church property, a show-off kind of Christianity, practicing holy corruption in the name of the
Church, using the house of God not for prayer but for personal gains, misappropriate of funds directed for the support of the church of God and writing proposals to fill our own pockets at the
expense of the people of God.

My dear brothers and sisters, how much more must God speak to us? Are we any better than the money changers? Do you make anything out of being found in the household of God? Do we give
God the first place in our hearts? Or we have made him the second option? Jesus challenges us to retrace our steps and be different from the rest. Again St Paul reminds us that Gods folly is wiser than human wisdom, and Gods weakness is
stronger than human strength. Choose then what must guide your Christian life. To be overcome by earthly pleasures and self-interests? Or seeking first the Kingdom of God? Serving your own
needs or doing the will of God? To what shall God compare you? May this season of Lent make us Christians with a flavor of God`s taste and may we live to the expected standards of our calling
each in their abilities. Amen!

Devotion by Father Jongwe.