Diocesan Directorates convene – calls for integration resonate

Diocesan Directorates convene – calls for integration resonate

The Episcopal conference of Malawi Secretary General, Reverend Father Valerian Mtseka has called for adherence to the Church’s call for consolidated efforts as different directorates carry out her mission.

The call was made at a directorates integration and coordination workshop that has taken place in Mponela from 5th to 7th September 2023.

Through this meeting, the three directorates of the church namely Pastoral, Finance and Administration and the Social Services, have been accorded an opportunity to interact and share experience in their duties and so learn on how best each Diocese is doing in terms of the integration of the different commissions.

Making a presentation during the workshop, Mr Casterns Mulume who was the facilitator of the worked stressed that it is quite long overdue that the Church starts to implement the integration of the directorates and commissions.

Citing Ecclesiastes 4: 9-11, Mr Mulume reminded the directorates that the duty to collaborate in mission has not been cooked but rather it is a mandate given to the Church through scripture. He further noted that, since time in memorial, the church at all levels has called on its member directorates to work as one church in love to show its as a family and achieve integral human development.

At the meeting members were able to assess the current trends and point out issues. Teams were drawn to map way forward which they did discus during plenary.

This has been the first of its and kind meeting such that directorates only pray for a continuation of such.

The meeting was organized by the ECM secretariat and drew members from all dioceses and the National office.