DOC-SSD facilitates formation of committees for new school

DOC-SSD facilitates formation of committees for new school

In readiness for the opening of the newly constructed primary school by the Diocese of Chikwawa, the Education Commission of the Social Services Directorate, led the community of Kampira village in which the new school is located, in electing relevant committees to help in the daily running of the school.

The meeting took place on 21st August 2024, led by Mr Geoffrey Mdala the Education Coordinator for the Diocese and GVH Kampira. The committees established include the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA), the Mother Group Committee, and the School Management Committee. Community members were allowed to vote for representatives they believed would best serve their interests. This approach encouraged a sense of ownership among the community members and strengthened the partnership between the school and the local population.

Voters line up to vote

In his remarks, Mr. Mande Njanji, the Primary Education Advisor (PEA) for the area, acknowledged the project’s progress and announced that the government has already assigned seven qualified teachers to the school. He emphasized the importance of early registration and urged parents to enroll their children starting Monday, 26th August 2024, so that there is a smooth and successful start of the school.

These committees are fundamental in the governance and management of the school as they ensure that the school operates smoothly and serves the best interests of the students and the broader community.