A new primary school for relocated Cyclone Ana survivors opens

A new primary school for relocated Cyclone Ana survivors opens

A new school will open its doors for learners to access education in Kampira village, T/A Mbenje, in Nsanje District. This follows a successful meeting of stateholders on 15th August 2024.

Through the Social Services Directorate, the Diocese of Chikwawa engaged donors in order to respond to an education need that was critical in the lives of a relocated community that was displaced by Cyclone Ana.

After the event of Cyclone Ana that hit Malawi in January 2022, many people lost their homes and property leaving them in dire need of humanitarian assistance. Through the interventions of The Social Services Directorate, a camp was set up to host communities that were displaced. As time went by, these communities were convinced to settle permanently on this land. This meant that many learners had to walk long distances to access primary education.

As a response, the Diocese engaged donors who accepted to fund the school project in order to solve this challenge. The whole project had a package of classroom blocks, teachers’ houses, school feeding program, construction of 2 bridges, drilling of the borehole, and learning materials to be given to learners.

After the meeting, the District Education office commended the Church for their intervention and good progress of the project. The office approved the opening of the school on 16th September 2024, with classes 1 to 6. The other prerequisites for the opening of the school like assigning a head teacher and other teachers will take place immediately.

The name of the school shall be decided by the Church in consultation with the community. The official opening ceremony will be conducted in the near future by His Lordship Peter Musikuwa, bishop of Chikwawa Diocese.

The school project has been funded by Catholic Mission Australia.

The meeting was attended by Fr. Semba (The director of SSDOC), Mr Dakamau (District Education Manager-DEM), Fr.Chikwapa (Bishop’s secretary and Pastoral Coordinator), Mr M’dala (Diocesan Education Coordinator), Mr Msiyadungu (SSDOC-CCJP Officer), Mr Chataika (SSDOC Accountant), Mr Maganizo (Centre Primary Education Advisor-PEA), Mr Njanje (Magoti Zone PEA), Mrs Chapita (DEM’s Secretary), Mr Jnr Chuma (for the Contractor), Representative of the Chief , and Village Development Committee Officer.

Cyclone Ana caused so much damage in the southern districts of Malawi in 2022. These districts included Nsanje and Chikwawa.