Youths fired up for first ever National conference

Youths fired up for first ever National conference

Young people in the country fired up for a first ever national youth conference scheduled to take place from the 14th to the 18th of August 20204. The conference will take place at Limbe Cathedral.

Under the theme “Fight the goof fight of faith”, an inspiration from 1Tim 6:12, the national youth conference is set to draw youths from all the 8 Dioceses in the country.

Expressing utmost optimism, Emmanuel Namizinga who is Vice president for Young Christian Workers in the Diocese of Chikwawa, stressed the importance of the conference as an opportunity for youths to grow in their faith.

“As youths of Chikwawa Diocese, we expect to learn how best we can sustain our faith in the midst of vices that can deter the growth of our faith. We also wish to appreciate what the church expects of us as young people”. Said Namizinga.

Taking his turn to comment on the conference, Fr Stanford Sungani, youth chaplain for Chikwawa Diocese expressed gratitude and hope that the conference will be beneficial to the youths as they face many challenges in keeping their Christian faith. “This conference offers the youths a rare opportunity of engaging the bishops who are the primary teachers and shepherds of the flock. This will help them understand better the Christian doctrine and get encouragement in the face of all these challenges.

The conference is dubbed the first of its kind in the country and will be facilitated by bishops and other prominent individuals who will help the formation of the youths.

Chikwawa Diocese will be represented by not less than 20 youths from all parises.

The conference will open with mass on 15th August at Limbe Cathedral at 11 AM and will close with high mass on Sunday 18th August 20204.