Our Lady Of Mount Carmel (Molere) parish fundraises for renovations

Our Lady Of Mount Carmel (Molere) parish fundraises for renovations

As Fr Nazario Mateyu celebrated 30th anniversary in priesthood, Molere Parish staged a fundraiser for the renovation of father’s house, church ceiling and some rented houses.

The fundraiser took place on Sunday 11th August 2024 at Molere parish. The parish was able to raise 2 million kwacha on the day.

Speaking after the function, Fr Mateyu thanked all the people who had come and generously contributed towards this course. He pledged to make sure that all the proceeds from the fundraiser will be used for the intended purpose in a most transparent manner. “We hope to move together in this noble task” Fr Mateyu said.

Taking his turn< Mr Puleni who was the guest of honor prayed that all the money that has been raised be used for their intended purpose. This, he said, builds the people’s trust and acts as catalyst for future donations for projects in the future.

Among those that came were Mr Puleni and family who was guest of honor, Mr Masikini who represented Senior Chief Khwetemule, relatives and friends for Fr Mateyu, Proud Catholics group, District Commissioner for Nsanje and Mzimu Woyera Seminary Alumni.

Molere is one of the three parishes in the Diocese of Chikwawa found in the Thyolo escarpments in Thyolo district. Located in remote areas, it faces a lot of challenges and such parishes as these need the help of people of good will.